Center for Environmentally Sustainable Mining
The Center for Environmentally Sustainable Mining (CESM) develops research and educational initiatives that enhance the environmental sustainability of mining. CESM is guided by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) of industry and consulting professionals who identify issues of concern to the hard-rock mining and rock products industries. The CESM model emphasizes collaboration with industry partners through industry-academic research cooperatives. CESM facilitates broad cross-campus collaboration between University of Arizona academic partners from diverse colleges and schools.

CESM History
Research focused on waste containment at legacy mine sites motivated the creation of a center devoted to issues associated with the environmental sustainability of mining.

Industry-Academic Research Collaborations
Stakeholder partnerships identify research priorities and questions addressed by our industry-academic research collaborations.

CESM Researchers
CESM facilitates broad cross-campus collaboration with researchers from the Colleges of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Engineering, Science, and Public Health. Exploratory research funding facilitates the development of new research initiatives related to mining sustainability in arid environments.